Allows the user to send a model to be rigged and animated through Animate Anything directly through Unity.
Allows the user to poll for a model's current state in the Animate Anything processing pipeline.
A class that provides methods for interfacing with Animate Anything directly in Unity.
Function asking the user what to do if an error occurs whilst processing. First string parameter contains the error code. Second string parameter contains the error message.
Function asking the user what to do whilst processing. First string parameter contains the current output code. Second string parameter contains the message. The int parameter accounts for how many seconds the model has been processing for.
The ID of the model to poll.
The amount of time in seconds before the polling times out. Standard timeout is set to 10 minutes.
Allows you to poll for a model's current state in the Animate Anything processing pipeline. This polls continuously until the model either produces a failure or a successful result.
Function asking the user what to do once the model has finished processing. ModelJson parameter contains the necessary details to create the model using .
Reference to the model that should be rigged through Animate Anything.
The name of the model when accessed through My World.
The name of the original author of the model.
The license attributed to the model.
Flag for determining if the model is symmetrical or not.
Flag asking if the user allows Anything World to use the model for internal improvements.
Function asking the user what to do once the model has been sent to be processed. String parameter outputs the ID of the model.
Function to be executed if an error occurs in sending the model to be processed. String parameter outputs the ID of the model if one has been supplied, UnityWebRequest parameter contains the request details such as error codes and messages.
Path to a folder containing any additional assets separate from the original model. If no additional assets are necessary, this can be left empty.
Allows you to send a model to be rigged and animated through Animate Anything directly through Unity. If the model is sent to be animated without error, an ID will be generated that can be used to poll the current progress of the model's animation process. This function is Editor only.
This function works from a direct reference to a game object. Please note that the model needs to be of a valid file type (.obj, .fbx, .dae, .gltf, or .glb). Any additional assets uploaded similarly need to be of a valid asset file type (a list of these valid file types, as well as additional constraints can be found here). The additional assets path must lead to a folder which contains the assets. Ensure that any paths used are relative paths to the Assets folder.
Path to the model that should be rigged through Animate Anything.
Path to a folder containing any additional assets separate from the original model. If no additional assets are necessary, this can be left empty.
The name of the model when accessed through My World.
The name of the original author of the model.
The license attributed to the model.
Flag for determining if the model is symmetrical or not.
Flag asking if the user allows Anything World to use the model for internal improvements.
Function asking the user what to do once the model has been sent to be processed. String parameter outputs the ID of the model.
Function to be executed if an error occurs in sending the model to be processed. String parameter outputs the ID of the model if one has been supplied, UnityWebRequest parameter contains the request details such as error codes and messages.
Allows you to send a model to be rigged and animated through Animate Anything directly through Unity. If the model is sent to be animated without error, an ID will be generated that can be used to poll the current progress of the model's animation process.
This function uses a path to reference the model. This path needs to be a direct path to the model, including its extension type. Please note that the model needs to be of a valid file type (.obj, .fbx, .dae, .gltf, or .glb). Any additional assets uploaded similarly need to be of a valid asset file type (a list of these valid file types, as well as additional constraints can be found here). The additional assets path, unlike the model path, must lead to a folder which contains the additional assets. Ensure that the paths used are absolute paths.
The type of the model, as used when determining what skeleton to rig the model as (see the for more details on what types are currently supported).
The type of the model, as used when determining what skeleton to rig the model as (see the for more details on what types are currently supported).