πŸ’«Expected Results by Category

Here you can get a general idea of how our tool currently responds to the most commonly used text prompts and image examples and what quality of model you can expect.

Please refer to this table for our current expectations of model generation from our Generate Anything tool by category, as well as whether or not that category can then be animated using our Animate Anything tools.

Be aware that this table references the reliability of the generation, and not the quality of the textures produced, which may vary.

Please note, our Generate Anything tool is in the Early Access stage and outliers may occur in generations of any type. This table is to be used as a general guide and is by no means exhaustive or definitive.

Result Key - High: regularly good results | Average: mostly good results | Low: unpredictable results

Models in supported Animate Anything categories still need to comply with our Animate Anything constraints and requirements. For further information, please refer to our Animate Anything documentation.

Last updated