πŸ”Anything Browser

Search and import models directly from the Anything World Browser!

How to use the Anything Browser

The Anything Browser allows you to find animated and still models. Search for a 3D model by typing the keyword in the search bar and press the enter key to find the results. The filter options gives you control over the types of models that are displayed in the search results.

You can also save these models for later by either selecting the My Likes or the My List icon on your favourite models.

Importing models:

Models imported through the Anything World Unity package can be deserialized or serialized during the import process.

Deserialized Model Import:

Models will display in the active Unity scene as a GameObject within the Hierarchy panel without saving all the associated files of the model to the project. This occurs by default when the Serialize Asset parameter in the Make Settings is disabled. Simply click any of the models that appear in Anything Browser search results or the models that have been saved in the My World panel.

Serialized Model Import:

Models are serialized automatically when the 'Serialize Asset' parameter is enabled within the Make Settings.

Once the Serialize Asset button is enabled, and the Make Setting changes have been saved, all models selected from the Anything Browser or the My World panels will automatically be saved to the project. The files associated with the model will appear in the newly created 'Saved Assets' folder and each model's files will be added within separate folders.

Model Info Details:

Selecting the 'i' icon within the model preview results will open the info panel which contains details such as:

  • Name of the model

  • Author of the model

  • Category of the animation

  • Poly-count type

  • Licensing Information

  • Category of the model

  • Relevant Tags

  • Relevant Habitats

Model Info Buttons:

In addition to the relevant information for the model, there are several buttons in the model details panel.

Like button:

Selecting the heart icon will save the model to the 'My Likes' section of the My World panel to make it convenient to find models in the future.

Add to Collection:

Similar to the Like functionality, you can create various collections of models by selecting the list+ icon next to the like button. This provides a way to create a separate list of models that you would like to use in the future.

Report Model:

When selecting the Flag button, the report a model popup will appear which will provide a way to tell us that a model needs to be reviewed.

Add Model to Scene:

This option will import the model directly to your active Unity scene.

Add Model and Save Assets:

Selecting this option will import the model to your active Unity scene and save a copy of the assets associated with the model such as the mesh, material, and animation files. A new folder titled 'Saved Assets' is created in the Project panel of the Unity project. Each saved model will appear as a separate folder containing the aforementioned assets.

Make Options:

Selecting the Make Options button will open the Transform Settings panel for ease of access.

Select the 'Apply' button after making adjustments to the transform settings parameters to ensure that the applied when adding models to your scene.


  • The Animate Model option allows you to choose if you want the model to have animations when moved to your scene.

  • The Enable Maker Debug Messages option provides unity console messages about the models status when moved to your scene.

  • The Place On Top of Ground option place the models above the floor in your scene.

  • The Serialize Asset option allows users to create Prefabs from the selected model.


  • Add Collider: Automatically adds a collider component to the desired model.

  • Add Rigidbody: Automatically adds a rigidbody component to the desired model.

Transform Options:

  • Parent Transform allows you to input a parent object for your model when it is placed in the scene.

  • Position enables you to select the starting place for your model based on the inputs given for the X, Y, and Z coordinates.

  • Rotation gives you the ability to alter the orientation of the model when placed in the scene for the X, Y, and Z parameters.

  • Scale Multiplier increases the size of the models on all coordinates by the input value that you provide.

Default Animation Behaviours:

  • The Animated Behaviour option allows you to attach scripts to the models directly from the Anything Browser. This option comes with a default Random Movement script to help you get started.

  • The Vehicle behaviours option can be used for providing functionality to cars and other four wheeled vehicles. This option comes with a default RandomFlyingMovement script to help you get started.

  • The Flying Vehicle behaviours option is useful for adding functionality to planes and other forms of aviation models. This option comes with a default RandomFlyingMovement script to help you get started.

  • The Flying Animal behaviours option enables you to add functionality to models such as birds and flying insects. This option comes with a default BirdsFlockingGoal script to help you get started.

  • The Static behaviour option allows you to apply a mono script to the model that is static.

  • The Shader behaviour option provides a way to attach custom shader scripts to the model.

Grid Options:

  • Grid Gizmos: Button that displays the origin point in relation to the grid.

  • Grid Origin: The starting position of the grid placement feature.

  • Cell Width: The distance between each placed model.

  • Grid Width: The row size of the grid.

  • Use Grid Area: Enables the use of a GameObject area to distribute the grid on.

Grid Area:

We can use a GameObject as the area where the grid will distribute its elements on. Initially the new window with the grid area info requires to us to set which GameObject we want to use for the area (the area will be the bounding box of the GameObject).

Once we set the GameObject, the window will have more options:

We recommend to create a 3D plane as a GameObject, like in the image above. You can rotate the plane as you desire. While you have the grid area enabled, all models that you create will be added to the distribution of the area, until you press Finish (to keep all models) or Cancel (to remove all models from the grid). Also, you can modify any option of the grid area and all the models added will be redistributed to reflect the changes.

Distribution Mode: Fit

The Fit mode will distribute all the models evently throught the area. We only need to specify how many models we want per row, in the image above we want 2 models, so new rows are created to accommodate the rest of the models.

Distribution Mode: Clip

The Clip mode uses distance between models and it distributes models in a row until the X axis is filled and then a new row at the Z axis distance is created. In the above image we use 8 m in the X axis, and then 2 m in the Z axis (distance between rows).

View All Grid Positions

This option will show the position that will take the new models when they are added. It is a good way to know the distribution without creating yet the models.

Grow Outside Area (work in progress)

This option allows that models can be distributed out of the grid area for the Clip mode, otherwise the models that are placed outside the area are cancelled automatically.

Currently it is not implemented yet.

Ignore Area Collision

This option disables the collision mesh of the plane (the area GameObject) so all models will fall out until find a collision with the ground, for example. That way we can distribute the models over an irregular surface that is below the area, for example. For this to works we need to enable the Place on Top of Ground option from the Make Options:

Random Offset

This option creates an offset per model so the grid pattern is broken, while all the m odels keep its initial position, it is just moved a bit.


The Reset button will return all edited Make settings to the default values.

Last updated