Allows the user to send a model to be rigged and animated through Animate Anything directly through Unity.
Allows the user to poll for a model's current state in the Animate Anything processing pipeline.
A class that provides methods for interfacing with Animate Anything directly in Unity.
publicclassMyTestScript:MonoBehaviour{string myModelPath ="C:\Users\User\Desktop\MyModel.fbx"string myExtraAssetsPath ="C:\Users\User\Desktop\MyModelAssets"string myModelName ="My Model";string myModelType ="Human";string authorName ="Model Author";string myModelLicense ="MIT";bool myModelSymmetry =true;bool myModelUsedForImprovement =false;privatevoidStart() { AnimateMyModel(); }publicvoidAnimateMyModel() {AnythingAnimate.Animate( myModelPath, myExtraAssetsPath, myModelName, myModelType, authorName, myModelLicense, myModelSymmetry, myModelUsedForImprovement, PollMyModel, PrintDebugWhenAnimateFail) } // This function will be invoked if the model has successfully been sent to Animate AnythingpublicvoidPollMyModel(string ID) {AnythingAnimate.Poll( PrintDebugWhenPollSuccessful, PrintDebugWhenPollFail, PrintDebugWhenPoll, ID); } // This function will be invoked if the model has successfully been animated by Animate AnythingpublicvoidPrintDebugWhenPollSuccessful(ModelJson details) {Debug.Log("Model successfully animated!");AnythingMaker.Make(details); } // This function will be invoked if an error was encountered in animating the modelpublicvoidPrintDebugWhenPollFail(string code,string message) {Debug.LogError("Could not animate model!"); } // This function will be invoked whenever the model is polled forpublicvoidPrintDebugWhenPoll(string code,string message,int seconds) {Debug.Log("Polling for update on my model!"); } // This function will be invoked if an error was encountered in sending the file to Animate AnythingpublicvoidPrintDebugWhenAnimateFail(string ID,UnityWebRequest error) {Debug.LogError("Could not send model to be animated!"); }}